Quilts that Inspire
Posted by: kim | Posted on: December 24, 2015Happy Holidays from:
Christmas Memories
Posted by: kim | Posted on: December 19, 2015Of course we know, Christmas is for children or better yet the child in all of us.I can remember looking at toys through a glass window. Bedazzled by all the lights and colors. Thinking how in the world could there be so many fun things to choose from. My kids were not so much the glass windows shoppers, they were the, isles and isles, from floor to ceiling- toys shoppers. I,with the shopping cart, trying to keep two little girls and one equally enthusiastic Grandmother in sight. Music and children’s squeals filled the air. They are fantastic memories. How many others were having the same memories in the making. The lines to the checkout were endless. Children were everywhere – including my own. At the time wondering how in the world would I survive this. Now dreaming of being there again.
from: Kimberlysimpson.biz